What I Ate Wednesday

Upon waking: Jar of water with half a lemon squeeze.

Breakfast: Gluten Free home-made toast with sugar Free Blueberry Jam + fresh blackCoffee….

Lunch: Green Juice (cucumber, carrot, parsley, spinach, apple), Salad (lettuce, grated carrot, beetroot and orange salad) with falafel burger – left-over from last night- half a Gluten Free bun.

Followed by a Gingseng Tea

Dinner: Raw Vegetable Pizza (with glass of champagne)


And… Here’s the recipe:

Pizza Crust:

3 courgettes

2 tomatoes

1/2 lemon juice

1 garlic clove

2 dates

½ red onion

2 red bell peppers

1/4 cup Flax Seed

Grate or finely slice the courgettes into noodles and put them aside. Blend all the ingredients and pour onto the courgettes – mix together. Then create a circle with mixture on your dehydrator for approximately 6 hours or if you don’t have a dehydrator put into the oven on a low temperature until crisp. Add tomato sauce, and your own selection of fresh vegetables!

Before bed a glass of warm water and Apple Cider Vinegar !

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3 Comments Add yours

  1. Lauren QS says:

    That pizza looks so good!! What is the crust made of??


    1. cordeliastable says:

      Hi Lauren – I just updated the post with the recipe for the pizza crust. Let me know if you try it it! Cordelia

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lauren QS says:

        Sounds great! Thank you!


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